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Interactome3D is a web service for the structural annotation of protein-protein interaction networks. Submit your interactions and the server will find all the available structural data for both the single interactors and the interactions themselves. Additionally you can also visualize and download structural information for interactions involving a set of proteins or interactomes for one of the precalculated organisms.

If you have any doubts read our section of Frequently Asked Questions.

The current version of Interactome3D is 2020_05_test  Release notes

Interactome3D provides structural annotation of interactomes
Query interactions with proteins

Enter a list of Uniprot ACs (*) or gene names: ? Uniprot accession codes. If you don't know about Uniprot go to Example

? By clicking this option the results will only show proteins in your list (excluding the first neighbours).  

Browse for organism

Select one of the pre-calculated organisms:

(*) Please notice that the current version of Interactome3D runs on Uniprot version 2020_05. Uniprot ACs that refer to alternative isoforms will be converted to the canonical isoform.
(**) The server will send you an email when the results are ready and a link to visualize and download your data.